Thursday, November 22, 2007

... sounds as if

there is somewhere to go, for our “muffle fervent rebel” vaguely expressing unconventional zeal for

thumbing a lift on tell-tale signs, scampering from a moreish stupor, taking a cut of whitewash to the dawdling hour and clapping eyes on tired ears, schizophrenic on all sides of the story


Anonymous said...

just a try:

... klingt als ob

du noch irgendwo hingehen könntest, wo unser „gemäßigt glühender Rebell“ ein wenig seichten Eifer erkennen läßt für's Anhalten auf Leuchtreklamen, und doch noch dem Drögen, das schon an dir leckt, entkommst, und auf die Schnelle von der Tünche zum Abhängen und dem Augengeklimper für müde Ohren kommst, schizophren wie halt alles an der Geschichte.

Jenny Allan said...

My german is not up to anything, so I used one of those online translators back to English which came with some quirky results, I have stepped from them with my “rebel [now] glowing temperately”

thanks for the stepping stone

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the starting point.

I hope your 'muffle fervent rebel' and my 'temperately glowing rebel' will find a way of peacefull co-existence. In fact I just stepped too and wrote some more explanation (both german and english) for your (and my) convenience.

Again, thanks for your wonderful input I have enjoyed so much.