Wednesday, April 09, 2008

underlying afterthoughts, the audacity

such difficulty in touching down

the audacity of mixed feelings

but, but, but

the following reasons are quashed in the face of null:

1. the following reasons in the end did not follow

underlying gestures congeal
tagged onto a set-up
inflicted merely to claim fuse for itself

footnote: step aside, muster disbanded cries

practise perforating the day
inclining it to stages of
heightened procrastination
procras procrass crass
incredible afterthoughts asking instructions
of the reserves
the maybe masses
not forgetting that final gaze
on a turned
turned table
an example of postponement like no other

often I mean to smile

instead of being accosted and dubbed into my own language

a cancelled sneer at all
the little thoughts, trotting by on some jaunt


it was then he told me in uncertain terms

(did I use the word hanker? I wanted to, yes I wanted to)


cd__ said...


trotting jaunt

dere's somuch [t]hereonemustwriteversstoityouallonedurfillin'

(P.S) I dont care for this wordverification thingy but seeingas hearing is believing and words verifictation wellgowithflood

Jenny Allan said...

mustone onedur?